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Level Suitable for all users, testostérone pharmacie.. The authors explain the genesis of using tulips to describe medium sensitivity While we were able to identify a highly sensitive orchids, 31 percent and a low-sensitive group dandelions, 29 percent , we also detected a third group 40 percent characterized by medium sensitivity, which we refer to as tulips in keeping with the flower metaphor. In the horticultural world, tulips are less delicate than orchids, but they re not as robust or resilient as dandelions. The primary goal of the new 2020 Sensitivity Research website is to educate the public and give people insights into how someone s sensitivity might play out in the real world. Understanding how sensitive you are can be important for helping you to cope in different situations, Pluess said in the news release, testostérone pharmacie. For example, whilst highly sensitive people are more likely to struggle under stressful circumstances, they are also especially receptive to positive and supportive experiences.